“Can A Nation Change Its Gods?” – February 24, 2020


The word of the Lord has come to me right now while I’m reading my Bible. He asked a question and I set it here for everyone, so I won’t have to answer alone.

‘Therefore I will yet bring charges against you, says the Lord, and against your children and your children’s children. Pass beyond the coasts [of Cyprus] and see, or send afar [To Kedar] and consider diligently if such a thing has ever happened before.’ 


This is the question asked with burning severity (Jeremiah 2:9-11), and my answer is “Lord I have not seen it, where people leave what is living to follow what is dead.”

This is the right answer. This is the wise answer. This is the only answer I know.

What does it mean: “to change gods?” It means that a group of people have abandoned LIVING WORSHIP OF THE LIVING GOD, they’ve left following after His truths, commandments and laws that preserve life and started following practices, beliefs, and habits of false beings, idols and teachings that have roots in satan and the occult. Saying ‘NO’ to Jesus is automatically saying yes to whatever other belief comes your way- whether you actively follow another faith or claim to worship evil or you believe in nothing- once you close the door to the true and living God, the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, you open it to something else with nothing at the end of it all.

There are not multiple heavens, multiple routes to salvation, or multiple gods. There’s maybe the appearance of that yes, especially in this messed-up day and age, but not in truth. There is only ONE GOD who asks all questions and has all answers for man, and Jesus is the only way to reach and have a relationship with that One God.

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”(John 14:6)


There are no multiple doorways to Nirvana, Valhalla, or any other notable historical destination posing as ‘Heaven’. There is only the real heaven above and a very real hell below, even the satanists who hate and despise God know this. Their demonic baphomet goat-god poses in a blunt manner: a ‘god’ with breasts and male genitals on the same entity to suggest he contains both male and female – this goat has one hand pointing upward to where the true Father rules and one hand pointing down to where God’s cast-off fallen angel Lucifer rules. Nothing can be clearer than this if you have willing eyes- there are only two worlds, two realms, two outcomes– and YOUR CHOICE.

I tell people all the time: Neither God nor Satan is confused about what the choices are, what the STAKES are, or where man will end up if he lives well or lives wrong. The only deceived and confused vector in the equation of destiny and eternity is MAN. The eternal ones know exactly how the board is laid out and both teams play to WIN, but humanity is out here in monks robes and mohawks, discussing in earnest tones over chai lattes about how their latest yoga pose really opened up some deep channel in their fifth vertebrae and they felt something run up their spine and tingle in their brain bringing “clarity” about what happened to them when they were four years old. Honestly I clench my teeth in frustration to see people play with what God calls “spiritual riches”- aka THEIR SOULS.

Listen: You get ONE SOUL. You get ONE SHOT. That shot is called “your life”. What you do with it in your physical form is your choice, yes, but after you die you will immediately get slotted into your spiritual form and boy oh boy…

That’s where realness will hit each one of us like a 20-ton truck in a highway accident. Because in the spiritual realm after death there are NO MORE CHOICES. Nobody asks Man anything from that point on- your voice is immaterial, your regret is poignant but useless. After you die the notebook of your story snaps shut and nobody, I repeat, NOBODY demon or angel or the Lord Himself, is going to ask your opinion on where you would like to spend eternity. On the other side you receive the full allotment of your earthly chocies– and that decision was made while you were on earth by everything you did, everything you believed, every way you acted, and everything you CHOSE.

It is written: “As surely as I live, says the Lord, every knee will bow before Me; every tongue will confess to God.” So then each one of us will give an account of himself to God. – (Romans 14:11- 12)

When Someone who can’t die says “As surely as I live”, that’s equivalent to saying “The sun will go out like a candle before that statement I just made stops existing.” Bible language is so crisp and REAL that I’m always amazed people find things to argue about.

Jesus was such a razor sharp and blunt individual, my goodness! All His words were geared to trigger deep thought and seeking in all who heard Him. Consider this nugget:

“Let your dead bury their dead. YOU [WHO ARE ALIVE] come and follow ME.” – (Matthew 8:22) He’s saying- “Those who are spiritually dead can’t even see ME the God of life standing in front of them. So let them attend to the mundane tasks of life. BUT ALL OF YOU WHO PERCEIVE THAT I AM INDEED GOD, DROP ALL THAT YOU’RE BUSY WITH AND FOLLOW ME.” And indeed many did, but also indeed… many did not. Hmm…

In another place the Bible says-

Jesus answered and said to him, If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Father’s who sent Me. – (John 14:23- 24)

Translation: I did not come to represent Myself. I represent and in fact I AM the living depiction of the Father who lives in Heaven. I came not for myself but for YOU. Therefore if you love me and do what I have commanded you will experience life with Me and the Father in your very being. But it is obvious those of you who of you don’t love me- you do nothing I say, and you discount my word as something that is “not from God”. 

With sentences like this in the Bible I’m saying to someone on this blog, perhaps your understanding of who Jesus is may need fine-tuning, it may need a second look. Because life is long yet so short, in a blink it’s time to leave and then what will you do? I know many people preach so sweet but the calling I have doesn’t offer that luxury- God shows me blunt things and I am therefore a sincere but blunt presenter of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is an intensely high stakes poker game we’re born into – the “chips” we’re dealt at birth is not money but our lives. Bank robbers in the old days used to yell: “Your money or your life!” Well… yeah. Choose well how you SPEND YOUR LIFE.

Because even that fallen demonic goat knows the stakes: Heaven above, and Hell below.


Idol worship in the Unites States is at an overwhelming level now; the number of religions, proselytisers (preachers of faiths), acolytes (followers and believers of faiths) and different halls of worship boggle the mind. If you guys could see the endless cults chanting, groaning and swaying in New York City’s streets you’d be SHOCKED. Every religion except the true one is on display, handing out tracts on how to open your mind, astral project, become a Wiccan (witch), conjure a love spell, heal, contact the other side, align your chakra, open your third eye, dial up Krishna, wow. I literally can’t stand being here sometimes.

A new religion called ‘God The Mother’ walks around with purple placards that say God is a woman, polite men and women explaining how God’s maleness has gotten him a bad rap over the years because some people (i.e. Christians) don’t know how to properly read and interpret the Bible. No lie. I never even knew these people existed and then one week God must have decided I needed some excitement because boom- I had over six encounters with groups of them in TWO DAYS. I was livid and astounded by the end of it because these people seemed to find me by secret GPS, wanting to save me from my misunderstanding of God as Father and win me over to His softer, safer side of God as Mother. 

In NYC people wearing bright orange, silky robes over jeans are everywhere, shaved heads bald in favour of their new faith, men and women. (I’m talking about Americans of all ages here, not just the guys from the Far East who invented this stuff).

In that state they sit on the floors of the subway and howl the names of other gods (mostly Krishna), beating drums and calling God-only-knows-what down into those claustrophobic, crowded, noisy underground tunnels we have to walk through every day. You can literally feel the air changing and super-charging itself when those chants reach crescendo, honestly people have NO IDEA how sensitive the spiritual realm is, how eager demons are to answer ANY DOORBELL, or the negative spiritual powers they’re playing with by doing this stuff. Or- maybe they do. Maybe that’s the whole plan.

The streets are no better. Psychics set up little tables and little signs, offering to read your palm and steal your very soul out of your ears for a little cash. Little gods are for sale EVERYWHERE, and little men stand on the corners speaking no English, handing out suspicious golden mantras with a grinning idol on the back. Things are so… tangled out here. This can-NOT be the famous city that once prayed for salvation of the nations.

Hear the word God spoke to me tonight:

Has a nation received life or death from my hand in following Me? Is there destruction or flourishing at the end of My way, is my yoke and burden heavy or light? Did I ever cheat anyone for worshipping Me? Has it happened that a nation served Me in honour and was forgotten, or can a people call on Yah and be ignored? So have you wounded Me, that you erased My presence from your frontlets and let My name escape the memory of your walls. You are rewriting history. You have taken down my banners across your borders and now fly the flag of freedom, every colour of the rainbow, MY SYMBOL OF FAITHFULNESS, now used against Me as a weapon to drive Me out. I was loyal to you, draping you with finery, fanfare and global acclaim. You found My favour and nations bowed to your glory. Yet you have forgotten Me. You disdain and mock My holy Name: JESUS. You dishonoured Me and overthrew My remembrance, and now you will pay a price, a steep price, a price of blood like the babies’ blood that now flows in your streets. America you have abandoned Yah, so Yah will also forget and abandon you.

I will give you all like chaff before his bow.

Behold your conqueror comes. Your new lord is coming, a man of steel and dark sayings. Parables are his speeches, in all this time you have not yet figured that out. I will let him trample you like dross in the streets, like hay in the thresher, until you groan with your misery – yet there is more to come. Behold America, hear the word of the Lord, MY HAND IS STRETCHED OUT STILL. (Isaiah 9:12)

This is a grave word that is nothing but truth. This country once paid money from her own pockets to fund the gospel- ships went everywhere (funded with American money) to evangelise the rest of the world. The gospel went to so many nations from here! Now so many nations come here seeking opportunity but also get a side order of perversion and spiritual drunkenness as well. Mystery Babylon pollutes everything she touches; if possible she would subvert and convert into wickedness everyone who comes here too. God is sending the same message out over and over, doesn’t matter how it’s written, the crux is always the same: Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin. Weighed, found wanting, and judged.

I do not know what we’re waiting for now but… I know it won’t be good. Keep your prayer shields up, stay in prayer. Go BACK to Ephesians 6:13. Put on spiritual armour from head to toe, do repentance as soon as you become aware of sin or complacency in your life. Be at work or school keeping your spiritual antenna on and tuned to the Holy Spirit. A wise, balanced life is better than a panicked or unprepared one so… spend time with God. SEEK HIS FACE FOR HIS OWN SAKE, OUT OF LOVE, not just because you want to “live”.

“And they overcame him [the beast] by the blood of the lamb [Jesus] and by the word of their testimony, they loved not their own lives unto death.” (Revelation 12:11)

God wants to be loved for himself; any of us would hate to have people flocking to us just because we’re rich or popular and the Father in Heaven is no different. If they didn’t really love us for who we are we would feel cheated, and the Father in Heaven is no different. To Him there’s nothing quite like genuine love from us, because He of His very nature is the purest and most impossible-to-find form of Love. God is worth every effort it costs to seek Him, we spend so much effort on worthless stuff as it is! What really is the reason we don’t look for Him, why are we so busy that we refuse to set aside time for God?

Not only does He appreciate it, HE DESERVES IT. Indeed He is a king worthy of our worship. Nothing about God should make us imagine we’re doing Him a favour, or that He needs us- He is a complete being in Himself, separate from everything He created. All of Creation is found in God- stars, sun, cosmos, man, life itself. God is ALL. Therefore when He invites human beings into His world to share in the experience of Him, it is to our total benefit because life flows out from Him to us, not vice versa.

I hope someone reads this and understands, you need God, not the other way around. You NEED Him, but He WANTS you, and believe me that is yours and mine very, very lucky situation to be wanted by God.

Because Satan wants us too. 😐

I’ll end on that note.

Thank you for visiting The Master’s Voice end times prophecy blog, God be with all of us.

7 Comments Add yours

  1. Reblogged this on pomegranatesandchains and commented:
    Listen: You get ONE SOUL. You get ONE SHOT. That shot is called “your life”. What you do with it in your physical form is your choice, yes, but after you die you will immediately get slotted into your spiritual form and boy oh boy…

    That’s where realness will hit each one os us like a 20-ton truck in a highway accident. Because in the spiritual realm after death there are NO MORE CHOICES. Nobody asks Man anything from that point on- your voice is immaterial, your regret is poignant but useless. After you die the notebook of your story snaps shut and nobody, I repeat, NOBODY demon or angel or the Lord Himself, is going to ask your opinion on where you would like to spend eternity. On the other side you receive the full allotment of your earthly chocies– and that decision was made while you were on earth by everything you did, everything you believed, every way you acted, and everything you CHOSE.

    It is written: “As surely as I live, says the Lord, every knee will bow before Me; every tongue will confess to God.” So then each one of us will give an account of himself to God. – (Romans 14:11- 12)

    1. Celestial says:

      Hello. I really appreciate how you share this ministry with others. May the Lord bless you and increase your reach and influence in the earth. In Jesus name I ask it, amen.

  2. Scarlett says:

    Time really is running out for planet earth and the people whom the Sovereign God has allowed to dwell here. I feel such an urgency to warn them, to get the warnings out to repent and turn to His Son Yeshua for salvation. I thank the LORD for you Celestial, and pray that you will be given the grace to be able to continue with your ministry…..it’s not even possible to describe how valuable it is to us all, and in particular, to those who will heed your call to repentance. A true watchman. or prophet always calls to repentance. or else they are a counterfeit. God bless you more….

  3. I am so very grateful for your bluntness and honesty in every word you share, Celestial. This takes courage and love and the fear of God burning in your soul. I honor you for your obedience to the Spirit’s urgent leading.

    1. Celestial says:

      Thank you so much Christine. I thank God for his quickening in me which keeps me tending this blog, it’s a work I appreciate.

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