“Mirror, Mirror” – February 26, 2021


PROPHECY: Russia is going to take over many, many parts of Europe. This is what the Lord is saying. You will not know yourselves over there in Europe, in the latter days. Russia will enlarge herself almost to take over the world; she will enlarge herself many times over and with an open mouth devour many of the independent countries of the European Union. ‘Land grab’says the Lord, ‘scuttling, dominion and war’. Many countries will not even protest; they will see which way the wind is blowing and join her in alliances that make it seem like Russia has many satellite colonies everywhere, many mechanical arms moving in tandem with her across the continent of EUROPE.

She will also invade and take over many countries in Europe when it is time for WAR. FRANCE, you will be one of them. Soviet Union will be banded together again, all of them will go back to her though some will not do so willingly but through diplomacy to preserve safety of their citizens and maintain some form of sovereignty.

Putin will be one of the most popular men of the end times, very popular. ‘FETED’ says the The Lord. (I have brought this word before). Russia will be so popular and so sought after as a dinner guest, friend and advisor, that truly Russian diplomats will enjoy a popularity, respect and honour they have never had before. As America fades and her noise becomes less, as she becomes drowned in her own personal problems Russia will arise and take the top dog position. Leadership role, says the Lord. Personal advisor, FRIEND, CONFIDANTE. 

Russia will take your place America. People will look to her for leadership instead of you and she will be more than happy to provide it, with a steadier hand than yours as well. With a fairer hand. Putin will feed many nations; many nations will look to him for leadership, advice and justice and for a season he will provide it in a better and fairer way than you America. Russia will be full of something God is calling ‘Popular democrats’ though I am not sure what that means. Russia will be capitalist, Russia will be nationalist, Russia will be very proud to be Russia and Russian. Surge of popular democracy, again God says this. I see people waving flags, clapping enthusiastically for their leaders as they make speeches and travel around the world.

Russia will experience A RENAISSANCE.

You know these words:

Mirror Mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all.

“RUSSIA” says the Lord. That is all. 

For more on this see World Politics: Russia and Ascendancy.

11 Comments Add yours

  1. Douglas Gray says:

    Recently, Mr. Putin’s standing has declined; he is behaving badly against his political opponents, and is becoming more isolated. So this situation is not headed in the direction that is being predicted here.

    1. Michael Barker says:

      What do you have to say about that now, May 4th, 2023???

  2. Marty says:

    Sure sounds like Ezekiel 38 and 39 will be playing out soon as Gog, Magog, Meshech, and Tubal rise to prominence. Some think the Psalm 83 war between Israel and her neighboring nations will come to pass before Russia growls and plunders. Stay strong in the Lord Jesus Christ Celestial and keep NYC well represented. When you told us that you live in Brooklyn I thought of the group from the 1980s called the Guardian Angels. They used to patrol the streets of the Big Apple wearing leather jackets and berets. I wondered if they were still around. Haven’t heard a peep from them in years. Maybe you are NYC’s new Guardian Angel! God bless. 🙏

  3. Vanessa says:

    Putin’s second, and normally last term will end in 2024. However, in 2020, Russians changed their constitution, and under the new law, Putin has now the right to seek re-election in 2024 – so, he could be President until 2036.

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