… Waves – September 15, 2020

Tonight I am emotionally drained.

There has been, without stopping, without ceasing, wave after wave, strike after strike and inundation after inundation in my life lately, so much upset and upheaval- almost as if satan wanted to drown me. It’s felt like the whole polar ice shelf melted and all the water 💧 found its way to my house and into my heart and mind. It’s been the most fraught, stressful, stretched and difficult season I can remember facing in a long time – perhaps God was testing me but if that was the case then surely Satan took advantage at every opportunity and made it so much worse… 😥

Tonight God just touched my poor frazzled heart 💔 in a way that only He can, and I am reminded. I am reminded many things I can’t share here but one thing I can say is I remembered why I can’t leave Jesus. I can’t go away from His world. No one else will ever love me like this, no one will ever bear my weaknesses as His own or comfort me at 3 a.m. in the morning when I absolutely can’t make sense of the world, the moment or myself. I am bonded to salvation for life and to any reader who has not yet made the decision to come out of the world and become a son or daughter of the Lord Jesus Christ, all I say to you is the choice won’t always be yours. God won’t always wait for you with open arms as a loving Father who wants His kids to come home. The ark of salvation will shut one day soon and then there will be Hell to pay. We’ll leave this period of grace and forgiveness and move on to Act 2 of the Great Book, which features things that I wish would leave me alone when I sleep.

For now though the doors are still open. Wisdom is crying in the streets: “Give your life to Jesus! It’s no good in your frail hands! Believe on Christ and be saved, for His blood and sacrifice are the complete and total payment for your black and tarry sins. Believe in Jesus and BE SAVED!

And it’s TRUE. God is waiting but He won’t wait forever. God has enough love to heal, rest and reassure you too, just like He’s done for me today. God can fix what Satan has broken and give you a renewed sense of yourself. Life doesn’t have to be so hard, it is so hard to EXIST in this world without God in the first place, that I simply don’t know how people are pulling it off. I can’t and won’t even dare to try.

I will be back online soon. Just a heads up, the news is not good. Some of it is greatly interesting and some of it eye opening but… so far none of it is good. Do not relax your guard. This blog is of a particular type and nothing on it looks set to change anytime soon so.. I’m just saying so nobody thinks I’ll get back here with news that the Rapture is coming. It’s not.

Also – I want to thank the man who sowed the very first seed I’ve ever received in this ministry since I started a year and a half ago. Mr. A. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for hearing when I asked for help to get a computer, I have one now and I’m so happy. You are the absolute groundbreaking sower to The Master’s Voice, the first to support my blog and other ministry needs, I greatly honour and thank you for being responsive to the Lord’s work in a time when many believe it costs a true worker in Christ’s vineyard nothing to serve Him. That’s so far from it! It costs me from my veins sometimes and it requires great sacrifice but I love the Lord. He saved me when I had nothing offer so why leave His work unfinished? Mr. A you heard and responded; I respect that and I thank you, may God return it back to you 100-fold in this life, without the persecution. 😄

I haven’t checked my email in ages so to anyone who wrote me while I was gone please be patient, I’ll check it soon and get back to you. Someone else also sowed to TMV today, please email me at: mastersvoice@mail.com so I can write you back and tell you thank you properly as it should be. I got a suggestion recently that Paypal may be a better means for donations so if you would like to give this blog support with PayPal please send it using: mastersvoice@mail.com. Amen.

I’m making some changes to the blog so… those will be announced when I’m settled about them and ready to share. God wants to make it better and more effective so I’m doing my best to align my heart with those desires He has for your sake, He wants His words to be taken to heart and heard as far afield as possible. He doesn’t want anybody to perish, He loves all souls and wants us to respond to His call, His love, His compassion, and yes – even His warnings, severity and discipline. God is not one-dimensional and He is tired of being mistaken for Santa. He is a very complicated being who has chosen to reveal Himself in Jesus and in the Bible, it’s the least we can do to take the salt with the sugar and learn how to interact with a composite God who has the right to bless us and also the right to judge, kill and place into hell any soul who is wicked and keeps doing sick and creepy things to other souls on earth. So.

Let’s… agree to accept God AS HE IS not as we wish Him to be, and I guarantee many of us would report more explosive prayer times with God as He begins to take us into His confidence more, because now we’re more willing to accept what He really has to say instead of shutting him up with our “You wouldn’t do that, would you?” storylines.

FACT: If you ask God what He’s going to do instead of trying to silence Him (because you’re scared) by saying “You’re too good, you wouldn’t do that would you!?” – He will absolutely tell you what He would and wouldn’t do.

“Now unto Him who is able to keep you from falling and present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Saviour be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen.” – (Jude 1:24-25)

Thank you all for still being here.

11 Comments Add yours

  1. Scarlett says:

    Praise Jesus Celestial! Prayers answered right on time. The Lord never fails to meet our needs just as He said He would. I’m so happy for you that you now have that computer you needed, and that things are turning around a bit. We never like those fiery trials while in the throes, but always so glad when we get through them.
    God Bless Mr. A for being sensitive to the Lord’s call, he will be so blessed for having helped you, as will the other person who responded. Because we need you here, and many others need to hear the heart of Jesus on this blog…whereas they might not even respond to another of the many voices out there. I know it’s mentally, physically and spiritually tiring, but Jesus had a special purpose for you on TMV.
    I’ve been concerned about you and praying for you….and will continue to as long we we are able to continue on the Internet and WordPress. Nothing would surprise me in this hour. Things are moving very fast and no time to waste!
    Blessings always, peace and rest in the Body,

    1. Celestial says:

      You celebrate my win as if it were your own Scarlett. That makes me smile and warms my heart, thank you! 😄

  2. I also rejoice with you, my fellow watchman. It will be the first of a river of provision for you and yours, because Mr A unplugged the spring. Thank you Jesus.
    Just querying your paypal email address , is it mail.com or gmail.com??

    I had a powerful dream a while back of a man with a megaphone standing next to a lighthouse in a very dark stormy night and he was yelling without ceasing to the people in the little boats struggling on the sea, ” Run to the Name of Jesus. There is no other Name under Heaven by which men might be saved.”
    That says it all. THIS is the call of the endtime Bride, the faithful remnant when the great apostasy occurs. Such a simple powerful message, forget all the other conferences that tickle the ears. Just run to Jesus. That’s all that needs to be heard. Every other message is useless and powerless to save in the storm that is raging even now.
    Love you so much even though I have never seen your face! May the great tower of the sheep, Jesus, stand between you and evry flood sent by the enemy. May you experience being sealed in and protected as His bondservant, under the shelter of His wing.

    1. Celestial says:

      Mr. A was great! He and others put me back on top. I appreciate every blessing God sends my way, I ask thatt it multiplies not only my life but the lives of the senders.

      My PayPal address is indeed “mail.com” not “gmail.com” (everyone always asks that! 😄)

      Personally I pray for hearts to be less hard. It’s urgent. I witness the most hardness here so I ask Lord soften ALL OUR HEARTS. Even listening hearts, soften them so we won’t miss a whisper from you. Soften hardened hearts because hell is not a fitting place for humanity. Give us ears to hear and hearts to please you Lord. The time of the mockers and scoffers is almost up, the tragedy is they don’t even know it. May God have mercy.

  3. P.s. look up strongs number H1049
    i received this number today and was prompted to share with you that this is where He is placing you.
    When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I
    Psalm 61

    1. Celestial says:

      Fresh Oil (I remember your lovely emails), thank you so much for this. There’s been so much blowback since I got this computer and so many snares but God is faithful. You can’t have known but, the day you posted this comment (your time in SA), Psalm 61 had been my meditation the night before. So reading it had a seriously therapeutic effect on me, I know God was sending comfort and i opened my heart to it. Thank you so much and God bless you…

  4. Lumka says:

    I am sorry for all you’re going through but as the old saying goes “God gives his toughest battles to his toughest soldiers” “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces [a]patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be [b]perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” James 1:2-8 God bless you my sister and I am so happy that you finally God a computer. Our God is so faithful and He cares about every single thing ❤️I was reading the gospel of Luke today and came across Luke 22:31-32 when Jesus tells Simon that Satan has demanded to sift us out like wheat to see who is truly of God or not- then there’s the encouragement when Jesus says “but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail…” God is truly for us and He is our Joys our strength etc. I pray Ephesians 3:14-21 over you and all the saints currently “going through the most” for Christ’s sake. God bless you, Mr A, Anonymous donor as well as everyone who sows into your ministry whether through prayer, financially, those who walk with you etc in Jesus name!

    Lots of Love

    1. Celestial says:

      Lumka! Thank you so much for coming back to TMV again and again, sister anywhere I see your comments my heart rejoices because it means you’re on the straight and narrow path, with eyes are looking at what pertains to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). Thank you so much for this encouragement, the opposition has been much but it’s not that I’m such a soldier, it’s only that God keeps me standing through every battle. Bless you sister, amen.

  5. I am sorry for all you’re going through but as the old saying goes “God gives his toughest battles to his toughest soldiers” “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces [a]patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be [b]perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” James 1:2-8 God bless you my sister and I am so happy that you finally God a computer. Our God is so faithful and He cares about every single thing ❤️I was reading the gospel of Luke today and came across Luke 22:31-32 when Jesus tells Simon that Satan has demanded to sift us out like wheat to see who is truly of God or not- then there’s the encouragement when Jesus says “but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail…” God is truly for us and He is our Joys our strength etc. I pray Ephesians 3:14-21 over you and all the saints currently “going through the most” for Christ’s sake. God bless you, Mr A, Anonymous donor as well as everyone who sows into your ministry whether through prayer, financially, those who walk with you etc in Jesus name!

    Lots of Love

  6. david says:

    rapture is biblical but it seems like some disaster may come before the rapture of the church. both Elijah and Moses talked about the rapture.

  7. Michael says:

    Thank you for this and for the many others! I am working my way through the archives. I was really blessed by the song you shared in one I read recently called ‘Yahweh’ by All Nations. Thank you!

    I am grateful that God is using these prophecies to lead me to intercede for the victims that you often speak of. My heart goes out to them and my prayer is often Isaiah 61 that the Lord would bring good news to the poor (and save these souls that he made that are currently in prisons, dungeons, slop houses, facing death, that Jesus Christ would be revealed to them by any means possible), that he would comfort the broken hearted, proclaim that captives be released and prisoners would freed, to tell those who mourn that the time of the Lords favour has come and with it the day of Gods anger against their enemies.

    I did what you suggested and asked God what are you going to do? This is what I felt him say:

    I will bring justice to the nations. I will deliver the oppressed and set captives free. I will obliterate the wicked leaving no trace of evil caused by them. I will heal and restore my creation. See, I will make all things new. I am the Beginning and the End. The Everlasting God. I am with you always, unto the end of the age.

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