“Sepulchres… A Lament” – January 9, 2020

Thus says the Lord: “Stand in the court of the Lord’s house- and speak to all the cities of Judah which shall come to worship in the Lord’s house, all the words that I command you to speak to them. DO NOT DIMINISH A WORD.” – (Jeremiah 26:2)

I’ve been getting the starting words of this prophecy for the last two days, and since I know the Lord will always speak when He is ready I waited. Now it finally came, along with several others- all messages will be uploaded on the blog today. Prophecy is below:

Do not speak to these people with kind tones.

Do not utter soft words towards them.

Speak to them the truth in bold language, reveal to them what is coming.

Do not utter any kindness towards them, for there is no kindness in My heart toward Babylon. Tell the truth that they will shudder and be afraid. The king of the North and even rulers of the East, behold they are coming bringing whips and chains with them. The nation will be enslaved and the little ones forced to work for their bread.

Do not say a single word of comfort to Babylon- she shall be comfortless.

I will overthrow this nation. I will take down your pennants from the wall; I will remove your colours and banners from the stage. I will disqualify you in every arena you compete in, and cast you out of the race. You shall be disgraced and ashamed. All who ran to you as the great beacon of light and comfort shall soon flee from you again, denying you as if they never knew you or sought to bear your name. You will be utterly abandoned and alone.

“Flee from the midst of Babylon; each of you save his life! Do not be destroyed in her punishment, for this is the LORD’S time of vengeance; He is going to render recompense [payment] to her.” – (Jeremiah 51:6)

I see a vision of a tall man ripping the winning pennants and flags of a once- victorious team from the wall. He walks along the wall ripping all their banners, team slogans, medals and championship flags from the wall, balling them up in his arms for trash. He is angry but at the same time there is no real expression on his face. He simply does not care anymore.

Great Babylon. Mighty Babylon. Proud and yet so cruel. I have given you everything but how do you repay Me? WITH SIN. So I too will repay you, says the Lord God of Host. I will repay you seven times over for your sins, and you will lie down on the ground and be slain.

Sepulchres. Sepulchres. SEPULCHRES, says the Lord. GRAVES. You will dig them from the length to the breadth, from the heights to the very depths of Babylon, from “sea to shining sea”, and still they won’t be enough. You will pile your dead ones two by and two in the indignity of death. No longer will a man have his own grave and marker but he will be put in the ground hastily with strangers, people he did not know in real life. They will all lie down in sudden death together.

SEPULCHRES. I will fill them with the bodies of the children and the infants, the nursing mothers and the widow alike will go down into darkness. Then you will know I am the Lord. The bodies of your “servicemen and servicewomen” (this is said in a mocking tone) will fill the city, then you will know not by power or by might, but by My spirit alone is a nation kept. If a nation pleases me I fight for them. But if a nation slaps My face as you have done: New York City home of the abortionists, adulterers and same sex marriages, Kansas City, home of the homosexuals, as you have done Las Vegas, home to open greed and every naked monstrosity under the sun, and you Denver Colorado, with the edifice you have built to honour the elite, as a portal and a demonic gate you built it, covering it with strange markings to welcome travellers even as you suck their life essences out of them- I will judge you all.

Denver– When they enter that airport and move through its halls looking at the many curiosities you put there to distract them, they are exposed to demonic energies and spirits. They do not know it is a hunting ground, a witchcraft city you built to honour your fallen masters from the stars whom you are currently serving. All these cities named within America and all the host of Babylon shall be destroyed. You will bury your soldiers until you get tired of burying them and cast their bodies into the streets.

Thus sayeth the Lord.

“Therefore behold, days are coming when I will punish the idols of Babylon, and her whole land will be put to shame. All her slain will fall in her midst.” – (Jeremiah 51:47)

Babylon, O REBELLIOUS NATION, PREPARE FOR YOUR DESTRUCTION! The years ahead are not good ones for you. You will stumble and fall on your faces. You will hear “fault!” as you desperately try to compete (in international arenas and markets). You will lose economic footing and begin to witness imminent decline and powerlessness in your money. The strength of your famous coin shall be shattered and devalued and you will weep for bread. (See this prophecy: World Politics- America.)

Hard years are ahead and difficult. As the mouth of Joseph was sent by God to prepare the Pharaoh of Egypt for what was ahead, so too the mouth of My servant now prepares your heart for what you must face. Death is coming and cruelty with it, whips and chains that bite into the skin and makes the bondage THAT MUCH HARDER TO BEAR.

Your nation will be unsettled and askew, a trophy on the mantelpiece once you were, now in danger of falling to the ground and smashing into a thousand pieces. YOU WILL TOPPLE AND FALL. YOU WILL BE RUINED, YOU WILL BE DESTROYED. You will be turned into ruins. You will not see your good days anymore; the era of your youth has passed. In the old days you were desirable and beautiful, the apple of My eye, the precious cup of salvation I poured out to the nations. Now you are a whore, aged, ugly and so sinful, and I cast you out of My presence and put you out of My sight. In addition I raise up My right hand to smash you in judgement. I will destroy Babylon, the city on the hills, the citadel by the waters, I will render her no more. It is not Rome you confused ones, you liars and twisters of My word. Babylon is not Rome, awaken from your drunken sleep and get wisdom and understanding so you will not perish.

Babylon is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, MY ONCE GOLDEN NATION AND CHAMPIONSHIP PONY, now running her race for self interest, GREED, PHYSICAL PLEASURE, and to satisfy the desires of the wicked few who have corrupted her.

Babylon is YOU AMERICA. Hear the word of the Lord.



Notes: This is a strong, graphic prophetic word. It contains themes of physical slavery, where people will be captured no matter their age and made to work for their captors. It mentions mass death, undignified burials in mass graves and even bodies left in the streets when the death toll [whether from slave conditions or actual war and invasion] is too high to be able to handle proper burials anymore. It shows the position of God as the fed up “coach” of America, sick of trying to improve a winning team that has refused to listen to His guidance and leadership despite all the victories He won for them in the past. It speaks of coming economic downturn- loss of international competitiveness in financial markets, devaluation of currency, useless money and hard times at home. Lastly it lists particular cities that will be judged, but the whole land will be judged. (All these themes have been revisited multiple times on this blog before.)

*For better understanding about the Denver airport, kindly do your own research. There are pictures of what is mentioned.

Subscribe to The Master’s Voice– move your screen up and down until the Follow+ button pops up on the lower right, click that and updates will be sent to your inbox. Prophecy that is stern like this only has one goal- for people’s hearts to be turned to instant repentance and crying out to God for mercy so that they will not be destroyed (Isaiah 38, Jonah 2). Repentance is something America is simply not good at; no matter what is said the majority of hearts only get harder, prouder and more resistant to change. However for anyone who hears and turns their feet to serving Jesus, there is a safety promised to you. Like and Comment on these posts, God bless.

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