The Year Ahead- January 4, 2020

2020 1

It was 8:31 a.m. New York Time when I started this note. They take a while to write.

First of all, I want to wish everyone on The Master’s Voice a Happy New Year. Thank you for using this online resource and for your participation [those who comment and share dreams or experiences relevantly]. I appreciate people taking the time to visit my blog and I hope you get the most out of it in the year ahead. Most of all GOD BLESS YOU if you found convincing evidence of Christ Jesus here. Maybe it got you to think twice about life, or submit your future to Christ. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life, and no one can find God without Him (John 14:6).

Jesus is the way of ascendancy- for all those seeking “higher” knowledge, wisdom and revelation without God-centred truth, I can assure you that all you’ll find is esoteric knowledge that can make you feel special or part of an “illuminated” group, yet cannot save your immortal soul. If you keep seeking ‘secrets’ without looking for the Ultimate Master of Destiny who is Jesus Christ, or you’re dabbling in occultic arts or worldly catechisms to make yourself smarter or ‘more powerful’- I want to warn you- you are mortgaging your soul to demons, to unseen satanic strongholds. You’re also storing up wrath from God for doing those things. Hear what the Bible says: “We all once lived in the passions [lusts] of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were because of this condemned as children of wrath like the rest of mankind. BUT GOD WHO IS RICH IN MERCY, because of the great love with which He loved us even when we were dead in our sins, has made us alive together with Christ—It is by grace you have been saved… (Ephesians 2:3-5)

All you will reap from playing with worldly or satanic knowledge is pain, bondage, WRATH, and the limited understanding that flows from the blunted stumps of the human heart. Jesus alone is God; HE is Lord and He is the only path all human beings MUST WALK in order to enter the narrow gate beyond death and see God. I have said this endless times on this blog- therefore even as I wish you all Happy New Year I repeat- Mind your life. Live RIGHT. Do GOOD. And love God. You have one soul, live in such a way as to retain it whole, healthy and happy when you stand before God at the end of your life. Amen.

I was reflecting in our New Year’s service what a powerful honour it is to see the Lord at the end of Life, what we must all do to make sure we attain that righteous reward when we die. It is not an easy or frivolous thing to “see God.” It requires HOLINESS and singularity of heart to follow and obey Jesus- yet there is so little of that hanging around earth these days. It is written: “Pursue peace with all men, as well as holiness, without which no one will see the Lord.” (Hebrews 12:14) The Bible also says “But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God, the fruit you reap leads to holiness, and the outcome is eternal life” (Romans 6:22). It says, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God” (Matthew 5:8). By this we see it’s no stroll in the park to see God- it needs a pure heart. It requires a heartfelt decision to come out of the world’s systems, to abandon its lusts and enticements to be HOLY AND SET APART UNTO GOD AS HIS PEOPLE. It’s strange how hard we’re willing to work at our jobs or colleges, how much effort we put into raising kids or keeping marriages, yet we think as believers that closeness with Jesus will happen by default. We think we don’t have to make sacrifices for Him, because God loves us so much He’ll do all the work and we’ll fly away to glory effortlessly when the time is right.

Family, let’s be reminded that Jesus gave us the real facts before He left: (Matthew 7:14)

How narrow is the gate and difficult the road that leads to life, and few will find it.

I love the King James version in its bluntness: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” What’s the meaning of strait? Well here’s a visual- you know that jacket with no armholes they tie on people in the mental hospitals, to bind their arms so they won’t hurt themselves or anyone else? That’s called a STRAITJACKET. Strait means a bad or difficult situation, it speaks of constricted, lean, limited circumstances. In some dictionaries you’ll find this definition: a mess. A strait way means a way with rules, YES a way with limitations, so NO you may not run a brothel or smoke weed or masturbate or lie in court to get somebody killed or jailed by the system by your false evidence or molest people or have pride in your heart or be a pedophile or adulterer or same sex advocate or abortionist [practising or supporter] or abuse alcohol and other mind-bending substances or kill or be violent, rude, aggressive, unkind, malicious, sneaky, lustful, unforgiving or downright WICKED- and think these things can fit on a strait way or through a narrow gate. They CAN’T! There is NO ROOM for them at the moment of death when you stand before the Master, but there IS room for them now to be surrendered at the cross of Jesus Christ in prayer- NOW– while you still have your life you can lay them down, and ask for grace to be free so you can walk on that narrow way in peace.

The Lord gave me a wonderful vision yesterday in my prayer time about my future and concerning a deeper walk with Jesus. One of the things I saw is how at the end of life there is a door with a whole other realm of bright light behind it. Radiant light was behind that door but the door was so ordinary, wooden, very plain- you’d never guess what was behind it if you only looked at its surface from this dimension. God showed me JESUS CHRIST is that door into eternity; you will never enter into Heaven unless you’re coming by that door. I don’t care what they tell you in your church or ashram or mosque- Oh there are many gods, many roads to heaven or nirvana or whatever name is used- NO. Christ is the SOLE ENTRY into the presence of the one true living God called JEHOVAH, the God who sits between the cherubim angels. If you follow any other path you will enter by another door that does NOT deliver you into the presence of that great light I saw. Now we may never meet in real life but I assure you, none of you wants to do that, to play roulette with your one soul and end up somewhere that will have you in rank terror for the eternal rest of your days. You just… do not want that to be your final resting place, to be shut out forever from the beauty of God and locked in concert with masses of demons, in torment from which there is no rest. In all honesty humanity, come on. We can do better than that.

At our New Year’s Eve service I also thanked God for trusting me with this blog. I do not take this work lightly. To speak for God Almighty and make His words known to people is no small or easy task. The Lord gave me everything to start this blog in April 2019- the name, the image He wanted to represent him [the mighty lion safeguarding a lamb], and of course the more than 100 prophecies now uploaded over a rather short period of seven months. What this blog has taught me as an end-times messenger of the Lord is how closely God guards his people. He loves us SO MUCH, so keenly, and not in the way the world loves (i.e. conditionally and with grey areas). God loves us in black and white. ‘Do this’ He says, ‘and don’t do that’. He lays it all out on the page. He makes it clear. He reveals everything we need so as His people we can be ready. He desires no one to perish in their ignorance of His ways and end up in Hell.

Hell is real no matter how many programs, interviews and articles you see claiming it is not. There are consequences for human actions and they will be repaid fully, either in Heaven or Hell at the end of our lives. It is absolute foolery to believe there can be an amazing reward beyond the skies for a life well lived, yet “Nothing happens, there is no Hell, we die and that’s it” is the only outcome for a bad life. Nope, there is more to it than that. Such statements are the outcome of years of carefully nurtured lies leaked into our society to destroy reverence for God; it is the desperate refusal of people who don’t want to serve God, who believe there are no consequences for rebellion. Brothers and sisters… curious visitors to The Master’s Voice- it is time to recalibrate and think deeper in this new decade. There is cause and effect built into the very mechanism of the transient universe, so please rest assured that the God who saw fit to make sure that science can faithfully track a cause and its consequence? ALSO HAS CONSEQUENCES BUILT INTO HIS ETERNAL DESIGN (Yes, that needed caps.)

God has delayed the fulfilment of many hard prophecies over the decades of my life (and long before me!), not because the prophets spoke lies but because HE IS MERCIFUL. He doesn’t want anyone to die in their sins and go to Hell if He suddenly wipes the earth’s face with the towel of judgement. In the simple language of the Bible it says in 2 Peter 3:9:

‘But the Lord is not slow about fulfilling his promise, as some people count slowness, but is being patient with you. He does not want anyone to perish, but wants everyone to repent.’

That tells us right there the core nature of God- Merciful, with massive self control, holding back from punishing our collective sins on earth NOT BECAUSE we are so holy (we are not; even Christians fall short many times a day and need God’s mercy and forgiveness through repentance)- but because He is seeking the most efficient way for the maximum number of souls on earth to live a set apart, righteous life before He makes His glorious return. God shows mercy to His creation and not judgement; He wants us to do the same.

For judgment without mercy will be unto the one who does not show mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment. – (James 2:13)

Therefore let us be joyful that we made it to 2020! We are still here and alive. Many lost loved ones in 2019… I know my family was visited shockingly often with tragedy, but I give thanks to the Lord for those of us who’re still here. Many are still sick in this new year, may the hand of God touch your life and alleviate your suffering. I have no sweeping ‘word for the decade’, I am not that kind of messenger and this is not that kind of blog. I say what I see and post what I get. The future belongs to God- but! It has been revealed in part to us through the pages of the Bible, therefore let us proceed in the wisdom and understand we’ve been given and God will guide us in His own way. I strongly encourage every reader to invest in a good, sound and easy-to-read Bible for their level. If you are just discovering Christ get yourself a Good News Bible or an NIV- both those served me incredibly well in my newbie years as a believer. They’re easy to read and understand, even in tough passages.

Get a Bible, and get in the habit of praying. Prayer opens communication with God. God is a Spirit and He gave us spirits to communicate with Him at His level. We don’t pray to one another, we pray to God to share our hearts and needs with Him, and receive information of His heart and needs in return. God wants us to do certain things, He wants us to walk in our full gifts and callings as believers because his intention is for the brightness of Jesus in us to be the light of this rapidly darkening world. Hard times will come- if you’ve read this blog even lightly and believe even 1% of what you read then you know that already. So let us be glad we are alive- life is a gift. Let us step closer to Jesus in 2020- HE is a gift. The future is at hand.

If you’re new to this blog note the following: Read the Welcome, About, Basics and Prophecy pages. See also the America tab [click the tab itself not the drop down menu], then read this opening prophecy to understand why the Lord directed me to start this blog —> America O America. After that you can navigate the blog by tags [clickable links above every post title], or you can use the search box in the blue field at the bottom of each page and type in a particular word or phrase you’re interested in to see what comes up.

God bless everyone – below is a prayer you can pray if you want to become a born again Christian who is forgiven of all sin and now becomes a child of God.


Heavenly Father God, I come to you in the bent and broken posture of true repentance. I have realised that I am not able to live any perfect life for you, and I am sorry for that. I am not able to serve you as you require, not on my own, and I ask your help today to be forgiven of my sins and given a new lifeline in the Person of your Son Jesus Christ. I have heard the words of your mouth, and I believe that there is no other worthy to be called GOD except you. Lord please accept my repentance today. Have mercy on me and favour me, and accept me into your family. Wash my sins away with the Blood of Jesus. Cleanse me God, and baptise me with the fire of the Holy Spirit to remove every trace of my sinful past. I want to belong to you, to walk with you, to know you as you already know me. I turn away from my old life, and I renounce everything I used to do that was evil in your eyes. I ask for strength of the Holy Spirit to resist sin and temptation, so that I don’t return to my old life. I choose Jesus Christ today as my Lord and Saviour. Thank you God for hearing my prayer, I mean it from my heart and confess it with my mouth right now- Jesus Christ IS LORD. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

If you have prayed this prayer leave a comment below, or send me an email at and I will celebrate with you that you have given your life to Christ! God is NOT wicked, no matter how these prophecies may look to some. Judgement should inspire repentance. God is a just and loving Father who has to punish sin, but He is VERY OPEN and VERY FAITHFUL to all who confess that they need Him above needing themselves. With Jesus’ love, continue to watch and pray. Your sister in Christ, Celestial.

New prophecies will be posted shortly.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Reblogged this on pomegranatesandchains and commented:
    Hell is real no matter how many programs, interviews and articles you see claiming it is not. There are consequences for human actions and they will be repaid fully, either in Heaven or Hell at the end of our lives. It is absolute foolery to believe there can be an amazing reward beyond the skies for a life well lived, yet “Nothing happens, there is no Hell, we die and that’s it” is the only outcome for a bad life. Nope, there is more to it than that. Such statements are the outcome of years of carefully nurtured lies leaked into our society to destroy reverence for God; it is the desperate refusal of people who don’t want to serve God, who believe there are no consequences for rebellion. Brothers and sisters… curious visitors to The Master’s Voice- it is time to recalibrate and think deeper in this new decade. There is cause and effect built into the very mechanism of the transient universe, so please rest assured that the God who saw fit to make sure that science can faithfully track a cause and its consequence? ALSO HAS CONSEQUENCES BUILT INTO HIS ETERNAL DESIGN (Yes, that needed caps.)

    God has delayed the fulfilment of many hard prophecies over the decades of my life (and long before me!), not because the prophets spoke lies but because HE IS MERCIFUL. He doesn’t want anyone to die in their sins and go to Hell if He suddenly wipes the earth’s face with the towel of judgement. In the simple language of the Bible it says in 2 Peter 3:9:

    ‘But the Lord is not slow about fulfilling his promise, as some people count slowness, but is being patient with you. He does not want anyone to perish, but wants everyone to repent.’

    That tells us right there the core nature of God- Merciful, with massive self control, holding back from punishing our collective sins on earth NOT BECAUSE we are so holy (we are not; even Christians fall short many times a day and need God’s mercy and forgiveness through repentance)- but because He is seeking the most efficient way for the maximum number of souls on earth to live a set apart, righteous life before He makes His glorious return. God shows mercy to His creation and not judgement; He wants us to do the same.

    For judgment without mercy will be unto the one who does not show mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment. – (James 2:13)

    Therefore let us be joyful that we made it to 2020! We are still here and alive. Many lost loved ones in 2019… I know my family was visited shockingly often with tragedy but I give thanks to the Lord for those of us who’re still here.

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