The Empty Basket – May 22, 2020

us hunger 3

Before I continue with the new topic of end times dreams (those dreams and revelations of  a ‘different dimension’ as shown to me by the Lord) I want to briefly share another dream I had this morning. As I share this one I also share some simple but pivotal advice that I practice in my own life. What I advise us as believers to do is this- Learn how to occupy and excel at the various dimensions of life. I can’t stress this enough. This is a very important skill and will serve anyone well who masters it.

What do I mean by dimensions?

A dimension is a realm, area or portion of something. Take a woman for instance- she has as her first dimension the categorisation of being female, which puts her with half the humanity on this earth. That means she cannot be male, she can only be what God made her. Any effort to be a pony, a man or anything else is pointless and will only end in harm or mental and physical futility. As a woman who embraces what she is she carries further dimensions of being a daughter, sister, wife, mother, grandmother ALL WITHIN HER, to say nothing of whatever particular gifts, abilities, learned skills and anointings she may carry at the benevolence of the Lord. A woman could be so many dimensions at the same time but a GOOD WOMAN is one who learns all of her dimensions and inhabits them well at the same time. That means she is a good daughter to her parents, a good wife to her husband, a good mom to her kids, a good sister to her siblings. She’s a good worker for her boss AND a good friend to her friends. She’s a good colleague to her co-workers, at the same time she makes dinners, helps others, and strives always to be a good daughter to her Lord and Saviour Jesus. This last bit is what I want to focus on for a moment.

Dealing with Jesus is not like dealing with anybody else. He is not finite, He is infinite. He is not human and therefore has no limitations on Himself whatsoever. This means night or day Jesus is willing and available to talk, spend time and reveal things to us if we’re available. Any limitations that exist on our relationship with God is not from His end, it’s from ours.

Therefore we have to balance the dimensions of human life (all I listed above and much more)- with the dimensions of spiritual life. THIS IS A CRUCIAL STATEMENT. Some people are dealing with sickness while others aren’t. Some are fighting off tentacles of spiritual attack while others aren’t; some remain trapped in poverty while others have never seen hardship. The differences we face in life means you can’t spend all the time in a day seeing after your natural life- food, showers, work or even family. You need to make sure to set time aside to build up and strengthen your spiritual life, otherwise as the time period we’re in shifts more and more to where the spiritual world is more powerful and the natural world begins to fall away- those who invested in natural things will find themselves at a horrible disadvantage while those who invested in spiritual things will find themselves in a growth spurt where they truly come into their own.

Can anyone guess what else this means?

This means that both RIGHTEOUS spirituality- those who invest with Christ, and wicked spirituality- those who invest with satan, will find themselves entering a mighty growth spurt in the end times. Yes please hear me- as the end times workers and warriors of the Lord arise in these last days SO TOO will satan’s workers, witches and warlocks. His false prophets and diviners, occultic lying pastors who are working with the queen of the sea to perform miracles [no, don’t blink, it’s true. The sea is the TOP SHOPPING CENTRE where many pastors and other five fold ministry cut covenant with the gods and sirens of the waters, then come back to earth to build churches where the miracles flow like wine, where they perform stunning signs and healings that captivate the blind who think miracles is the sole proof that God is in the building. Beware Jesus said, let no man deceive you.]

Matthew 24 people: Let your eye never cease from this chapter and let no one rob you of your salvation as the hour grows late and the Son of Man prepares to return.

INVEST IN SPIRITUAL STRENGTH, SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING AND SPIRITUAL HEALTH NOW WHILE YOU CAN, because when battles erupt it’s not the time to start learning what you should’ve become skilled at long ago. Learn to balance the need to change nappies, to excel at work, to work on your marriage or maintain good health, with the absolute requirement to read the Bible, pray and exercise your spiritual muscles in these end times.

I mentioned before, if you have one of those foolish Bibles put it away and get a real Bible- when the spirit of hardship and lack begins knocking at all doors like it did during the plagues of Egypt, satan is NOT going to back off if you’re saying “The Lord is my BFF, He’s the guy with my stuff!” That is childish and very irresponsible to be doing right now, especially when we can see how fast society is falling. Yes I said it, so if you’re doing this please stop it. The Bible is not a toy, it is a WEAPON. It is the sword sharper than any double edged sword, so learn it properly and it will save you when the time comes. Learn and memorise it properly. The real verse says, “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.” In that single statement you have:

(1) God’s promise to be a guide who carries a stick that will whack a wolf’s brains open if it tries to hurt you, one of your lambs, or the ram of your husband, father or brothers. (2) It promises that like a shepherd takes the responsibility to find the next place for his sheep to graze, God will go ahead of you and look for pasture so your family will not starve. (3) A shepherd takes responsibility to lead, feed, oil his sheep’s heads from the flies and ticks that try to bite out their ears and eyes. (4) He watches over them at night and will break a wolf’s face with His staff that comforts His flock. However if you chant the ‘Lord is my bestie, He’s the man with the plan’, satan will show you all his teeth in the most disarming smile before ripping the fabric of your life to shreds so… You decide what to learn in these deadly times. But as for me and all who are with me, it’s the Bible AS IT IS WRITTEN. 

If you change God’s designation from ‘shepherd’ to ‘best friend’, you will get what a best friend can give instead of what the Shepherd of Heaven can give. You decide. 

Severe Poverty In America

Now the dream. This is a ‘natural dimension’ dream, meaning it deals with natural events within the realm of man. I dreamt that America became really, really poor. I mean.. POOR. People were struggling to put food on the table and many of the luxuries and delicacies that we’re used to were absolutely GONE from real life. In fact throughout this short dream I kept seeing these letters “WIC” appear in the air in thick black letters- WIC, WIC.

[WIC stands for Women, Infants and Children – I found out it’s a low income feeding program for families below the poverty line. WIC is government assistance for female-headed households to buy food, pay for healthcare and a few basic bills. WIC is a thin blue line between starving with kids and being able to buy cheap cereal with the minimum nutrition levels to keep them alive.]

I saw America in a great economic slump. Everywhere people were hungry, and this made them hard to talk to or comfort. Unlike many places where hardship causes people to soften and turn to Christ, America went the opposite way. People grew despondent and very anti-God; they didn’t want to hear anything about salvation, Jesus, or turning to God for help. I reached out to so many people but they turned their face away from me- nobody wanted to hear about Jesus and many blamed Him or had resentment. People pushed my hands away and walked away from what I was saying, and overhead the letters WIC* kept appearing in thicker, blacker print as the grip of poverty dug into American bellies and brought the whole nation down to its lowest ebb in history.

*I believe God showed me this government assistance program because women and children are traditionally the weakest and most vulnerable in society; the number of them who aren’t self sufficient is an accurate measure of the dependency level of any country. However if even middle-class women and families who never had to use welfare before, end up applying for food, job and housing assistance, or health and financial assistance? This tells me that America will fall into a depth of poverty she never thought she’d ever see in all her days as a nation.

Update April 2022: Part of this message is already in action- we saw the greatest Welfare and unemployment applications and reliance on government because of the 2020 pandemic. It will get like that again but worse, because the number of people applying will be too much for government. The Lord said the amount of payouts will be cut, social security will be cut, everything will be so little from government because too many people will be in need applying at the same time.

I’ll get back to posting the other dreams as we go. Thank you for visiting TMV blog. Shalom.

11 Comments Add yours

  1. Joseph Labonte says:

    Yes, well the writings on the wall. And nobody believes a word of it. WOW! SMH! Nobody I know anyway. Stiff necked, incredibly stiff necked people. I’m the lunatic Celestial. HA! There is no wonder in my thought why Our Father in Heaven would come to His conclusions, NONE. Thanks for the Email I really appreciate it Celestial. It truly is so nice to know that there are like mined people out in the world. It truly is a wilderness, a voice crying in the wilderness. Yes, well there’s lots of us. Peace be with you and keep sharing His word. God bless you. Tell next time. P.s. I do share your blog and I read it everyday because it’s like, only things our Master would know. It blows my mind! 🙂

  2. Joseph Labonte says:

    The lord said read Zephaniah! Today.

  3. amy6f says:

    Reblogged this on For the LORD.

  4. Lynne says:

    Dearest Helene,

    I am sure you meant well with your information and criticism of Sister Celestial, but May I point out that she is extremely busy doing the work of delivering the words of the Lord and graciously may take dove time to look up there insignificant worldly things that she is not knowledgeable of. Please respect her work and how she spends her precious time that is led by times Spirit of Yah. God bless! 🙏🏻🥰

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