Explosive Times, Pt 2: VOLCANOES -January 9, 2020

Now Mount Sinai was wrapped in smoke because the Lord had descended on it in fire. The smoke of it went up like the smoke of a kiln [a great oven], and the whole mountain trembled greatly. – (Exodus 19:18)

I received the following prophecy on the same day [January 9, 2020] as all the others. However there were so many prophecies given at the same time I could only prepare some, the rest will now be uploaded. Thank you for visiting The Master’s Voice.

THE ERA OF VOLCANOES IS AT HAND. The timeline of global eruptions is about to kick off. What was asleep will be active again as the end of all things begin to take shape. The ground will open up and lava pour out in a flood, and many will be the cries of the people. The earth is restless, she foresees the coming of the Lord.

Rescue efforts of humanity are useless against litres of boiled rock. Therefore take HEED if you live in an area of known volcanic activity [Two places were mentioned- Ring of Fire & San Andreas Fault, but they are by no means exhaustive].

The underground chambers of the earth are filling with hot rock, the bowel of the earth is making room for the wicked and the disobedient.

Hear the word of the Lord: “Hell from beneath enlarges herself.”

“Therefore hell has enlarged herself and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that celebrates shall descend into it.” – (Isaiah 5:14)

“You who do not believe in Hell,” thus says the Lord. “You will believe and even see it for yourself in HD clarity if you continue in your foolishness and stubbornness. The chambers of the underworld are enlarging themselves to hold the dead- it is ultimately your decision whether you will be among them or not.”

Volcanoes will erupt globally sparking frantic rescue efforts and evacuation proceedings. “Pompeii” says the Lord. Pompeii, the city wiped out in an hour by a huge, unanticipated volcanic eruption. In no time the city choked in a sudden cloud of ash and ‘fire rain’. Woe to the wicked, says the Lord. Woe to you who sits at the base of a volcanic mountain or along a volcanic fault line. You will receive your judgement in FIRE. Repent and be baptised, confess Jesus as the only God and you shall be saved. This is my covenant promise to you says the Spirit of God. 

So I see a vision of volcanoes lined up like cones around a tropical island. The tropical island represents Earth and the volcanoes are ringed around it in a semi circle.

volcano toss

One blows up flinging lava high in the air.

volcano ash.jpg

The second one blows up but there is no lava, only a massive black, billowing ash cloud. Inside this cloud I can see millions of tiny sparkling cinders and rock chunks- these will burn a hole right through clothing, flesh, or a roof depending on the size of cinders that land. I can see these are what will land on trees and buildings and cause fires.

volcano slow lawava

A third volcano blows up and lava flows thick as oatmeal, very slowly down the side of the mountain. People are able to run from this explosion because the lava is so slow; I see them fleeing down the mountainside with plenty of time to escape.

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A fourth volcano blows up and a sea of lava floods down the mountain like water- it is rapid and fluid, too quick to outrun. I see people burned to ashes exactly where they are; it is instant death as this river of red ‘water’ floods down the mountain like vomit.


A fifth mountain is at the end of the semi-circle; this one is still and quiet. Not a sound, not a gurgle. Yet I know this is the deadliest mountain of all. This is the volcano that will not give one single hint of its eruption until the very day and second it erupts, and when it does? IT CAN TURN OUT TO BE ANY OF THE OTHER FOUR TYPES. “Mystery mountain” says the Lord. Let the readers on this blog take heed and beware.

Explosive times are back. This is the word of the Lord.

Here are some recent fulfillments: Philippines; Japan; Global Update; Photos.

Notes: This prophecy is tied to the entrance, continuance and eventual culmination of the period of time currently falling on us called the End Times. This is not a joke or ‘doomsday prophecy’; this is very real stuff being shared here. Many people have become numb to the truth in God’s word for one reason or another- cultural fatigue, so many lies about who God is, or because of constantly being told by advertising and cults of popularity everywhere:There are many paths to god, pick one and be happy.” Do not be deceived brothers and sisters-  There is only one God, one Heavenly Father, one Holy Spirit, and one Messiah whose name is Jesus. Seek Him while time is still reasonably available to do so.

Additionally- you are a spirit being with a body and soul. God made you as a reflection of Himself and His goal in doing that was to have communion with you. God is a relational God: He wants His people to know, understand, seek, love and also RESPECT HIM. However mankind is consumed nowadays with everything else except what affects their spirit, soul and eternal destiny, so what the end times are set to do is shake up the entire global system, process and community so much that each and every human will be forced to take their eye off CNN and ask themselves (many for the first time)- “What in the world is going on?!” 😳

God is a God of justice, truth, mercy and love. Justice demands that sin be punished; we cannot keep living the way we do on this planet and think these so called false “bliss paths” are taking us anywhere but to Hell. Yes, I said Hell. See above- the prophecy from God also said Hell, so there’s a point to ponder. Sin and refusal to live by the laws of God separates a man, woman or child from Jesus- on the last day of your life [and you’ll never know which day that is] if you have not confessed and repented of your sinful choices, omissions, commissions and natural human recidivism before God- you will enter from this realm into eternity with the weight of those sins still firmly attached to you. Yes, your name will be on that bag of wickedness (whatever you did from your birth til death), like a name tag on luggage at the airport. That bag will be waiting for you on the other side, trust and believe it will. Only those who have thrown themselves on the mercy of God WHILE ALIVE, confessing sin and asking forgiveness for it will see the bag disappear because of the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus. Let those who are wise hear what I am speaking and sharing in this post.

Repent and be baptised– make Jesus your Lord and covenant saviour today. Amen. There is a prayer tagged below for anyone who has read enough on this blog to want to convert their footsteps from walking in self, walking in death and to start walking in life with Jesus. May God reveal Himself to you when you ask Him to so that you can make the right choice.

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Heavenly Father God, I come to you in the bent and broken posture of true repentance. I have realised that I am not able to live any perfect life for you, and I am sorry for that. I am not able to serve you as you require, not on my own, and I ask your help today to be forgiven of my sins and given a new lifeline in the Person of your Son Jesus Christ. I have heard the words of your mouth, and I believe that there is no other worthy to be called GOD except you. Lord please accept my repentance today. Have mercy on me and favour me, and accept me into your family. Wash my sins away with the Blood of Jesus. Cleanse me God, and baptise me with the fire of the Holy Spirit to remove every trace of my sinful past. I want to belong to you, to walk with you, to know you as you already know me. I turn away from my old life, and I renounce everything I used to do that was evil in your eyes. I ask for strength of the Holy Spirit to resist sin and temptation, so that I don’t return to my old life. I choose Jesus Christ today as my Lord and Saviour. Thank you God for hearing my prayer, I mean it from my heart and confess it with my mouth right now- Jesus Christ IS LORD. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

If you have prayed this prayer leave a comment below, or send me an email at mastersvoice@mail.com and I will celebrate with you that you have given your life to Christ! God is NOT wicked, no matter how these prophecies may look to some. Judgement should inspire repentance. God is a just and loving Father who has to punish sin, but He is VERY OPEN and VERY FAITHFUL to all who confess that they need Him above needing themselves. With Jesus’ love, continue to watch and pray.

13 Comments Add yours

  1. Reblogged this on pomegranatesandchains and commented:
    Sin and refusal to live by the laws of God separates a man, woman or child from Jesus- on the last day of your life [and you’ll never know which day that is] if you have not confessed and repented of your sinful choices, omissions, commissions and natural human recidivism before God- you will enter from this realm into eternity with the weight of those sins still firmly attached to you. Yes, your name will be on that bag of wickedness (whatever you did from your birth til death), like a name tag on luggage at the airport. That bag will be waiting for you on the other side, trust and believe it will. Only those who have thrown themselves on the mercy of God WHILE ALIVE, confessing sin and asking forgiveness for it will see the bag disappear because of the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus.

    1. Celestial says:

      This is a very helpful comment Rover, thank you so much for the confirmation. I will add one of the links into the post itself, much appreciated.

      1. Rover Radar says:

        You’re very welcome, Celestial! I was born and raised in Manila. And the last time I visited that area ([in Batangas] known for its bone marrow specialty dish [which also was a special weekend lunch, in my younger days]), was 15 years ago (2004, when my dad died) .

        Here is a picture of Taal Volcano, with lightning amidst the eruption (via Twitter) .

        God always, and richly bless you, in all your endeavors! – Dinna –

        1. Rover Radar says:

          Postscript: The Philippines’ location, is along the Ring of Fire.

  2. Maureen says:

    Volcanoes going off,, big one yesterday Krakatoa. Re your January 9 th post.

  3. amy6f says:

    Reblogged this on For the LORD.

  4. Anonymous says:

    And the word of the Lord goes forth still alive and speaking truth on March 11, 2021. The multitude of erupting ash volcanos and erupting lava volcanes have multiplied tremendously. Around the ring of fire they almost cannot not be counted they happen so often. Along with earthquake problems. Also the monitoring agencies are hiding scientific data from the public. Refusing to allow them to know the truth of the magnitude of it all.

  5. diego says:

    I prayed this prayer.

  6. D'Andrade says:

    Celestial prayed for my children, grand children, husband and rededicated myself to Yah,THM Sovereign Creator of Heaven and Earth.

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