A Hammer Against Jezebel, Pt 1- June 3, 2019

Jezebel Eyes

“When Jehu came to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it, and she painted her eyes, adorned her head and looked out the window.” – (2 Kings 9:30)


On June 3rd 2019 the Lord gave me a dream: I was at an event and all the women there could not walk properly because of the tightness of their dresses and highness of their shoes. Men and children were free at this gathering but the women were bound like sausages into this clothing trend called “the bandage dress”. The makeup was like war paint on them, and all they were doing as others enjoyed spending time and various activities was taking selfies. The Lord put me among them and I was soon exhausted as they arranged me like a doll- “Ok put your leg like this, Okay do this face, OK make your mouth like this”. If we didn’t take 50 photos in ten minutes, we didn’t take one.

As a result God spoke to me saying: “Jezebel, the mother of whoredoms, of the painted face and seductive eyes. Your time is up. Your reign is finished. Everywhere I look now I see you manifesting, especially in the women. I will strike you with a hammer. You act like you do not know me, like you forgot what I did to you in ancient times. As if I would tolerate you. Do you forget what the scriptures say? “The daughters of Zion mince and prance (i.e. taking short bouncing steps), they make a tinkling with their feet (the click of high heels) [Isaiah 3:16] Indeed, they walk that way BECAUSE THEIR CLOTHES ARE TOO TIGHT! (He said this loudly). Everything is exposed, nothing left to imagination! I say again by the thunders of Heaven… I am weary of bearing it. Jezebel, YOU ARE JUDGED.

All I’ll say is: Some of you know me on this blog. I was a musician and performer. I’ve walked this journey. Now I’ve said it for years on social media: Change your dressing. Change your appearance. Don’t make God angry; don’t turn Him into your enemy to come after you. Fashion did not die for you on the Cross. What you think is “preference” is actually the work of a stealthy and POWERFUL global principality controlling sex, sexuality, lust and demonic manipulation that you’re playing with. Me saying this to women especially has caused arguments; I have been accused. That’s okay by me. I know the dreams the Lord gives me are true, and what He tells me to say I will say.

This prophecy is divided into other parts, you can find them here, here and here in order. Thank you for taking time to Like, Share and Subscribe to this blog.

Have a blessed and fruitful day!


Note: Photo is for visual emphasis only. Found in the public domain.

5 Comments Add yours

  1. Scarlett says:

    So sad….the majority of both men and women conform to the present day culture. I believe many women are encouraged to look and dress like you’ve described. I’m not sure whether it’s vanity, insecurity, or an attempt to make their husbands happy and keep them from lusting after other women. Whatever the cause, it’s not good and past time to break through the chains and grave clothes and be set free from the culture. Some of the most beautiful girls and women I’ve ever seen was at a train station in Las Vegas, New Mexico, sending off some of their friends on the Amtrack. I think they were Mennonites, They wore plain but nice dresses in pale blues, pinks, and lavenders, and without make up their complexions were healthy and glowing.

    1. Celestial says:

      I think the work of certain types of spirits affecting a man or woman’s life, especially as absorbed from ‘popular’ culture, is what keeps people walking in ways that prevent them grasping on to holiness in their lives Scarlett. It is indeed time to break chains and intercede for God to set each one of us free from whatever is a hindrance in our lives- everyone has a weak area that needs His deliverance. Jezebel is only one in a long line of attackers the world faces now. God bless you.

  2. Portia Siaw Amoakaoaah says:

    Very powerful

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